Nackey S. Loeb (1924-2000) was an artist, mother, equestrian, wife, hunter, newswoman, author and to many, a good friend and neighbor. Mrs. Loeb was president and publisher of the Union Leader Corp., owner of New Hampshire’s only statewide newspaper and a powerful figure in state and national politics. Her endorsement was coveted by presidential hopefuls running in New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Primary and by local candidates.
She was born into the newspaper industry, a granddaughter of Edward Willis Scripps, founder of what became E.W. Scripps Company. In 1952, she married William Loeb, president and publisher of the Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News. When he passed away in 1981, Mrs. Loeb took the reins of the newspapers. She did not shy away from a tradition started by her husband. As publisher, she continued writing strong front-page editorials.
She was a woman of vision. She instituted several changes at the paper: establishing an internet presence, purchasing a new color press and building a state-of-the-art plant. She also purchased a group of community newspapers and was known for her generosity to charitable organizations.
In 1999, Mrs. Loeb founded a non-profit communications school in Manchester that offers free classes and low-cost workshops to help inspire interest, integrity and excellence in journalism and other forms of communication. Her namesake school also promotes understanding of and appreciation for the First Amendment. This particular constitutional guarantee gives us free press and speech, among other liberties, and is a fundamental tenet of Mrs. Loeb’s generous educational legacy.
Daughters Nackey Scagliotti and the late Edith Tomasko supported the school to remember their mother and help honor New Hampshire residents who fight to protect the First Amendment.
Mission Statement
The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications, Inc., promotes and defends the First Amendment and fosters interest, integrity and excellence in journalism and other forms of communication by educating students of various ages and providing them with the tools and knowledge to improve their skill.